Scout og akkreditering

Information til Agenter og Scouts

Vi glæder os til at byde dig velkommen på Autocentralen Park. Hvis du er agent eller scout tilbyder vi altid gratis entré, når du besøger vores hjemmebane i Kolding. Det er vigtigt at du senest 24 timer før kampstart, sender en mail til nedenstående mail, hvor du oplyser klub/firma du repræsenterer, samt antal personer du/I kommer. Så vil vi sørge for, at du får tilsendt billetter pr mail, senest 60 min inden kampstart.

Vi håber at du/I får en fantastisk oplevelse ved os. Har du spørgsmål må du endelig kontakte Frederik Lund, på nedenstående mail eller tlf. nr.

Teknisk Chef:
Frederik Lund
Tlf: +45 28 59 82 24

Information for Agents and Scouts

We are looking forward to welcoming you to Autocentralen Park. If you are an agent or a scout, we always offer free entrance, when you visit our home turf in Kolding. It is important that you at 24 hours before kick-off the latest send an email to the mail benath, where you let us know what club/company you represent, along with the number of people that will be arriving. Then we will make sure, that you have tickets sent on email, 60 minutes before kick-off the latest.

We hope that you will have a fantastic experience with us. If you have questions, feel free to ask Frederik Lund on email or by phone down below.

Technical Director:
Frederik Lund
Tlf: +45 28 59 82 24